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Information in this page is outdated. Last update was made on 01 January 2015.


Table of contents

  1. Editor / IDE
  2. Vim Plugin Manager
  3. Vim Plugins
  4. Terminal
  5. Shell
  6. ZSH Manager
  7. Mux / Multiplexer
  8. Tmux Plugins
  9. Dotfiles Manager
  10. Web Browsers
  11. Music Daemon and Player
  12. Webservers
  13. Others

The tools listed here are the tools I personally use for development, and other matters. I have arranged them in categories, as well as provided information (when I can) as to when I started using them.

Here are the following:

Editor / IDE

in the past
I use this in 2013 only in Mac.
Sublime Text
I seldom use this in 2013 in Mac.
I use this all the time during my Linux/Unix days.
I use this in Windows during college days.
I use this starting 2014 up to the present in both Linux and Mac.

Vim Plugin Manager

is short for Vim Vundle.
why? A former colleague said, he is using pathogen, so I have decided to use an alternative.

Vim Plugins

I have a lot of installed vim plugins on my local, but I only use some of it. Some are the following:

  1. Lokaltog’s easymotion - This provides a much simplier way to use some motions in vim.

  2. Tpope’s fugitive - This is a git wrapper for vim.

  3. Scrooloose’ nerdtree - I seldom use this but this provides a sidebar directory structure in vim.

  4. Scrooloose’ syntastic - I use all the time with vim, passively. This checks code syntax of what I write when I save it. See the following screenshot:

    Img src:

  5. Kien’s ctrlp - This I use all the time. This is a full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, ... finder for vim.

  6. Raimondi’s delimitMate - I also use this all the time, passively. This plugin provides automatic closing of quotes, parenthesis, brackets, among others.

  7. Godlygeek’s tabular - I use this when needed especially with tables. See vimcast.

  8. Majutsushi’s tagbar - I seldom use this when needed. This provides a sidebar to vim for all tags in the current file, among others.

  9. Nathanaelkane’s indent-guides - Indent guides for vim.

  10. Tpope’s markdown - A markdown highlighter in vim.

  11. Mattn’s emmet - A support for expanding abbreviations.

    Example: type in html:5

    and press Ctrl y and ,

    The above will become

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang=en>
      <meta charset=UTF-8>

  12. Rstacruz’s sparkup - Similar to emmet but can do more. For examples, see here.

  13. Valloric’s YouCompeleteMe - A code completion engine for Vim. See animated screenshot below:

    Img src:

  14. Powerline - This is a statusline plugin for vim, and provides statuslines and prompts for several other applications, including zsh, bash, tmux, IPython, Awsome and Qtile.

  15. Mattn’s gist - A vimscript in creating gists in To create gist, one can just :Gist and ENTER. Then, it will return the link to your gist. This however, requires webapi for this plugin to work.

There are other plugins that I use passively. Some I have not yet explored. For complete list of plugins that I use, see my dotfiles.


  1. iTerm 2 - When in Mac, I use iTerm 2.

  2. guake - When in Linux, I use guake.


  1. ZSH - is a shell designed for interactive use.

  2. Bourne-again shell - Bash is a Unix shell as a free software replacement for Bourne shell.

  3. Shell plugins that I use include:

    a) Junegunn’s fzf - It is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder.

    Img src:

    When I am lost where I am with vim, I just use fzf’s plugin for vim with :FZF. This does not create vim buffer though, so as much as possible, I stick with ctrlp vim plugin.

ZSH Manager

  1. robbyrussell’s oh-my-zsh - A community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 180+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 120 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.

  2. oh-my-zsh plugins that I use

    a) z - jump around

    b) git and other git- plugins

Mux / Multiplexer

  1. GNU Screen - In remote servers, I use screen to manage my sessions.

  2. tmux - In my local desktop environment, I use tmux to manager different sessions and projects.

Tmux Plugins

  1. Powerline

  2. Thewtex’ tmux-mem-cpu-load - CPU, RAM memory, and load monitor for use with tmux.

For my .tmux.conf file, please check my dotfiles.

Dotfiles Manager

I use rcm. It is a management suite for dotfiles. My dotfiles can be found here.

Web Browsers

  1. Chrome - only for browsing.

  2. Firefox - only for theming and debugging.

Music Daemon and Player

  1. mpd - music player daemon

  2. ncmpcpp - mpd client/player inspired by ncmpc

For installation, see installation guide article.


  1. Nginx - I use now in my remote server as well on my local.

  2. Apache2 - I use before.


  1. vagrant - I use vagrant with puppet provisioner on my local development.

  2. console - I use console all the time. I have crazy plans to do everything on console.

  3. bash - I just love writing bash scripts.

  4. docker / docker-compose / lando / docksal - I use docker all the time. I use docksal with my Drupal projects.

There are other things that I did not mention here. I will just add into this list as time permits.

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