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Migrate from Netlify to Cloudflare Pages

Table of contents

  1. Assumption
  2. Preparation
  3. Create project in Cloudflare pages
  4. Setup builds and deployments
  5. Builds
  6. SSL Certificates
  7. Conclusion and observations

Since I moved to Jekyll in 2017, I host my site for free with Netlify. However, my recent DNS management move from to Cloudflare, leads me to learn an alternative to Github Pages and Netlify: Cloudflare Pages, also for free.


The assumption when one is using Github pages, is that the repository being used is Github.

The assumption when one is using Netlify, is that the repsitory being used is either Github, GitLab, or Bitbucket.

Either case, the version control used is git.

With Cloudflare pages, you would need Github. As of posting, they are not supporting GitLab and Bitbucket.

For GitLab or Bitbucket, you may want to move your project to Github.


In preparation, all you just have to do is to take note of the following in Netlify project’s build settings.

  1. Go to your project.

  2. Go to Site settings.

  3. Go to Build & Deploy.

  4. Note the Build settings.

  5. Note the Branches.

Create project in Cloudflare pages

  1. Using your existing cloudflare account, go to your Dashboard.

  2. In the right side, click Pages.

  3. Click Create a project

  4. Click Connect GitHub account.

  5. In the next page Install Cloudflare Pages, choose GitHub account, team or organization.

  6. In the next page Install & Authorize Cloudflare Pages, select whether to authorize All repositories or Only select repositories, then click Install & Authorize.

  7. In the next page Confirm access, you will be asked to confirm your password.

  8. In the next page Create a project from your GitHub repository, select a repository, and click Begin setup.

Setup builds and deployments

After creating project in Cloudflare pages, you will be asked to setup builds and deployments.

  1. Type in Project name in the field. The name will be the also used as a subdomain of your project, i.e., <project-name>

  2. Choose branch in Production branch. Base it on your notes in Preparation.

  3. Choose framework in Framework preset. In this case, my site is a Jekyll site.

  4. Supply Build command. (cf. Notes in Preparation)

  5. Supply Build output directory. (cf. Notes in Preparation)

  6. Click Save and Deploy.

  7. The next Building and deploying you can see live logs during your application’s deployment. You may Cancel deployment or Continue to project.


Every build creates a dedicated build url <random-hash>.<project-name>

I don’t see this setting in Netlify. Instead, Netlify has an option to build by branch. Or, perhaps I haven’t expored Netlify that much with their environment settings.

SSL Certificates

Netlify’s SSL certificates are issued using Let's Encrypt.

Cloudflare pages’, using Cloudflare, Inc.

Both are free.

Conclusion and observations

Cloudflare pages’ default subdomain name is way cooler than that of Netlify. Both Netlify and Cloudflare pages, allow adding custom domain name.

With my site, Cloudflare pages build takes 5 to 6 minutes to finish, while in Netlify, it takes a way shorter time to build.

However, upon testing with another project (not my site), the build got finished for 3 minutes only.

It is a case to case basis for applications, but it’s definitely longer to build with Cloudflare pages.

Unlike Netlify, there is no setting in Cloudflare pages to automatically redirect supplied subdomain name to the primary domain name; likewise, to redirect www to non-www or the other way arround.

I was able to manage to redirect www to non-www using cloudflare’s Page Rules itself. I only get 3 Page Rules with my cloudflare for my free account, and using one, leaves me with 2 remaining.

Perhaps this is a way for cloudflare to make sure their free users will ran out of Page Rules and purchase more slots to it.

Lastly, Netlify claims that their projects don’t need cloudflare because the pages being served are already static HTML pages.

I agree.

However, one can always setup cloudflare with Netlify.

But then again, I switched to Cloudflare pages, and using Cloudflare pages with Cloudflare itself, despite slow build time, is so far tolerably cooler. The features Cloudflare and Cloudflare pages have outweigh Cloudflare pages downside.

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