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How to setup Virtual Host in Ubuntu 11.10 via terminal or Putty

Table of contents

  1. Create site configuration
  2. Enable configuration
    1. Restart apache
    2. Check your site

This article is a personal recollection of what I did when I installed a virtual host in my remote instance server running Ubuntu 11.10. It is presumed that Apache server is setup and running. Also make sure that the domain name’s A record in the DNS Management of your domain name, is already pointing to the IP address of the instance server, otherwise, you may edit your hostfile to temporarily point your domain to your server’s IP address, locally.

Go to /etc/apache2/sites-available/

cd /etc/apache2/sites-available

Create site configuration

Create a configuration file for the virtual host that you want to create. I used the domain name (as the filename) which points to the said virtual host - in this case, as a filename. Any filename will do. To create/edit, you can use any editor that you want. I used nano. Also, you need a “super user” permission.

sudo nano

The above can be renamed to whatever filename you want such as, if you want that kind of setup.

In the nano editor, input the following basic configuration.

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /var/

Save changes to the file ^X.

Make sure that the DocumentRoot is an existing directory, otherwise, create it.

cd /var
sudo mkdir -p
sudo chown timothy
chmod 777
mkdir -p html

The above, sets current directory (cd) to the /var and creates (mkdir) directory. chown, changes the ownership of directory from super user (since we created the directory using sudo) to timothy. Don’t forget to change timothy to your username. chmod changes permission of directory to a public directory. As you see here, I did not use sudo anymore because the target directory is already owned by timothy.

Enable configuration

Now that we have the virtual host configuration file and the directories setup, we can now enable the site.

sudo a2ensite

It is sudo a2ensite because our configuration file is In case you want to disable your site, the opposite of a2ensite is a2dissite. Note that enabling and disabling a site configuration will make changes in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled by creating a symlink there.

Restart apache

sudo service apache2 restart

Check your site

After restarting Apache, go to /var/ and add a file index.html or index.php. Add some text inside it and check your website in your browser.

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