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Information in this page is outdated. Last update was made on 30 December 2015.

Run mpd daemon automatically

Table of contents

  1. Check your shell
  2. If bash
  3. If zsh
  4. Script to conditionally run mpd if not running
  5. Save settings

In article Install mpd + ncmpcpp on OSX Yosemite, many asked how to run mpd automatically. This isn’t an issue at first, because I run mpd manually. I first suggested to include mpd into your shell rc file, but did not realise that it will run mpd each time a terminal is being opened, e.g., in new tab or window, thus resulting in Address already in use prompt, which may, if not, all the time, annoying. Here, I have come up with this simple snippet to run mpd daemon only if it is not yet running.

While there are ways to run mpd automatically, here’s the easiest way, that I did and now henceforth personally use.

Check your shell

Check what shell you are using.

echo $SHELL

If bash

Open your ~/.bashrc file found in your home directory, or create one if it does not exist yet.

vim .bashrc

If zsh

Open your ~/.zshrc file found in your home directory, or create one if it does not exist yet.

vim .zshrc

Script to conditionally run mpd if not running

Put the following code at the end of the file.

# Start mpd automatically if not yet running.
if [[ -z "$(pgrep mpd)" ]]; then

Save settings

Save and source your .bashrc file.

source ~/.bashrc


source ~/.zshrc

Or, you may just restart your terminal.

This also fixes running mpd twice and multiple times, with the following error as asked by MiGu3l in disqus:

Dec 28 23:55 : socket: Failed to bind to '': Address already in use

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