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Tools (updated)

Table of contents

  1. Editor / IDE
  2. Vim plugin manager
  3. Vim plugins
  4. Terminal
  5. Shell
  6. ZSH manager and plugins
  7. Mux / Multiplexer
  8. Tmux plugin(s)
  9. Dotfiles manager
  10. Web browsers
  11. Music daemon and player
  12. Webservers
  13. Others

This is an update to an old article Tools I use.

Editor / IDE

I have been a vim user for 7 years. I started in 2014.

Vim plugin manager

Vundle is short for Vim Vundle.
A former colleague said he is using pathogen, so I have decided to use an alternative.

Vim plugins

For comprehensive list, see my vim rc file.

As of posting, the last update of my vim rc file, was 2 years ago. There are changes on my local that weren’t pushed to the repository; and I also have different versions of vim rc file depending on the host operating system.

As of now, they will stay on my local.

Here are some plugins that I use:

This provides a much simplier way to use some motions in vim.
This is a git wrapper for vim.
I seldom use this but this provides a sidebar directory structure in vim.
I use all the time with vim, passively. This checks code syntax of what I write when I save it. See the following screenshot:
Img src:
This I use all the time. This is a full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, ... finder for vim.
I also use this all the time, passively. This plugin provides automatic closing of quotes, parenthesis, brackets, among others.
I use this when needed especially with tables. See vimcast.
I seldom use this when needed. This provides a sidebar to vim for all tags in the current file, among others.
Indent guides for vim.
A markdown highlighter in vim.
A support for expanding abbreviations.
Example: type in html:5 and press Ctrl y and ,
The above will become
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=en>
  <meta charset=UTF-8>

Similar to emmet but can do more. For examples, see here.
A code completion engine for Vim. See animated screenshot below:
Img src:
This is a statusline plugin for vim, and provides statuslines and prompts for several other applications, including zsh, bash, tmux, IPython, Awsome and Qtile.
A vimscript in creating gists in To create gist, one can just :Gist and ENTER. Then, it will return the link to your gist. This however, requires webapi for this plugin to work.


iTerm 2
When in Mac, I use iTerm 2.
When in Linux, I use guake.


zsh is a shell designed for interactive use.
Bourne-again shell
Bash is a Unix shell as a free software replacement for Bourne shell.
This is a plugin.
It is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder.
Img src:

When I am lost where I am with vim, I just use fzf’s plugin for vim with :FZF. This does not create vim buffer, so as much as possible, I stick with ctrlp vim plugin.

ZSH manager and plugins

A community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 180+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 120 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
Jump quickly to directories that you have visited frecently.
A native zsh port of
git, git-*
The git plugin provides many aliases and a few useful functions.

Mux / Multiplexer

In remote servers, I use screen to manage my sessions.
In my local desktop environment, I use tmux to manager different sessions and projects.
It lets you switch easily between several programs in one terminal, detach them (they keep running in the background) and reattach them to a different terminal.

Tmux plugin(s)

CPU, RAM memory, and load monitor for use with tmux.

For my .tmux.conf file, please check my dotfiles.

Dotfiles manager

rcm is a management suite for dotfiles.
My dotfiles can be found here.

Web browsers

Chrome / chromium
I use, for regular browsing.
I use, for development, theming, and debugging.

Music daemon and player

mpd stands for music player daemon.
mpc is a command line for mod.
Featureful ncurses-based MPD client inspired by ncmpc.

For installation, see installation guide article.


I use now in my remote server as well on my local, when setup manually.
Mostly used and is the default web server for my docker containers and docksal projects.


I use console all the time. I have crazy plans to do everything on console.
I just love writing bash scripts.
docker / docksal
I use docker all the time.
I use docksal with my Drupal projects.
I just have synology at home where my CCTV is sync’ed into 24/7/365 and at the same time syncs to my google suite’s drive.
I also use it to manage local DNS.
I also use docker in it to launch applications such as jellyfin.
TrueNAS SCALE is a free and Open Source Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) solution.
Built on TrueNAS CORE, SCALE adds Linux Containers, KVM, and scale-out ZFS storage capabilities.
This is similar to Synology, only way way faster.
I also use docker in it for my heavy duty LAN-wide applications.
CapRover is an extremely easy to use app/database deployment & web server manager for your NodeJS, Python, PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby, MySQL, MongoDB, Postgres, WordPress (and etc…) applications!
I also use docker in it for some of my applications that can be accessed over the internet.

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